
Showing posts from March, 2020

Special Update from Band Boosters

Dear Band Family, We are working on a few things mentioned in our recent newsletter and wanted to provide some updates to the questions you might have: 1. Epic Popcorn Fundraiser - We are working with Epic to see if we can postpone turning in forms and delivery for the best day/night available after we know when we will be back at school. 2. Craft Fair - Ms. Trish is working with our fabulous crafters to see if they would attend an event after Easter or if we will cancel the Spring Show.  The Craft Fair will NOT be held on April 4th. 3. Mattress Fundraiser - The Mattress Fundraiser is canceled for April 4th.  If you have a yard sign advertising this, please remove it from your yard. Thank you. 4. Band Spring Concert - Since school will now be closed on April 9th, the concert will be postponed possibly.  More details will be shared when we have a better decision from the school and the Band Director. As always - we appreciate your support and l...

March 2020 Newsletter

March 2020 Newsletter Happy Ads for the 2020 Spring Concert Would you like to place a happy ad for your student in our Spring 2020 Concert Program?!  We are trying something new this year for you to place an ad shout out to your student!  You can include a photo (Please email the photo to ) or just text with graphics.  We can create the ad for you, or you can create it yourself and email it to us.   We need all the ads by Monday, March 30th in order to create the program! Click the LINK here to place your ad: HAPPY ADS Popcorn Fundraiser - Money & Orders Due March 18th  Fundraising packets have gone home with your Band Student.  There are 8 awesome flavors for $6 each plus some additional options. Please collect payments at the time of the order. Orders will only be fulfilled if we have full payment. Let us know via email if you have additional questions on the Epic Popcorn Fundraiser. Click...