July 2020 Newsletter Happy Summer Everyone! My name is Jim Walker I graduated from Highland in 1981 and this year I am the secretary for the Highland Band Boosters. My son, Preston, is a Junior, plays trumpet and has been in marching band since 8th grade. Last year I acted as VP of Events and I enjoyed it very much. I hope everyone is having a great Summer. Marching Band Camp 2020 is under way with practices starting this week (an abbreviated outdoor only schedule). We are excited to get back into it this year. GO TROJANS - GO HIGHLAND MARCHING TROJAN PRIDE! Please Send Fundraising Ideas! We are reaching out to parents for any fundraising activities or events that we can try. Feel free to send ideas and hopefully we can fill in where we had to scrub off some of our old favorites. We do have ideas but are always looking for more. Keep in mind that all fundraising must follow guidelines for safety. Ideas so far: Wic...
Showing posts from July, 2020