January 2018 Newsletter
January 2018 Newsletter Welcome to the new year! We're hoping this to be a successful year for the Highland Bands! Thank You! Thank you to everyone who came out and bowled with us on our family bowling night! It was a great success and we heard nothing but good things! We also want to thank everyone who came out and supported us at our "Fundraise Your Heart Out" dining out fundraiser at MOD Pizza! Lastly, thank you to all who helped chaperone at the concert. Mr Blocker received compliments on how well our kids were behaving! Upcoming Dates At our January Booster Meeting we went over the plans for the rest of the school year. We have a couple of dates which are not set in stone yet, namely a couple more dining out fundraisers and the century resources fundraiser. Below is a list of the dates for you to mark on your calendar. Also, we are looking to sent up a FansRaise fundraiser for you to raise funds to pay any band fees wi...