September 2018 Newsletter

September 2018 Newsletter 

Highland Festival of Bands
9/15 @ 2:45 - Our 7th, 8th and HS non-marchers will kick off the festival with the National Anthem! We invite all band families to come out and support our Marching Trojan Pride! Complimentary entry passes will be emailed to parents and given to your students. Simply show the printed ticket or ticket on your phone for family entry.

Band Activity Night
9/28 @ 5pm - Students will RSVP in class. Each student is asked to bring a plain white cotton t-shirt for tie-dying fun! We will have pizza, chips and soda. There will be games and other activities for the students to enjoy some fun and fellowship with other band members.

Lady's Gourmet Popcorn
We are working with Lady's Gourmet Popcorn in Griffith, for a fall fundraiser with delivery Tuesday, November 20th before our Thanksgiving holiday! Information will be coming home in the coming weeks! Each tub we sell earns the band $4!

Volunteer Opportunity!
Mark your calendars for our craft show on Nov 10th and 11th! We will need parent and student volunteers to help out! Sign-up sheets will be sent out next month. Remember, each hour you or your child works earns $2 for their Student Band Account to be used to pay for things like ISSMA, Smart Music, Instrument Cleanings and Marching Fees.

Get to know our Seniors:
For the next few months we will get to know our seniors! This month we are highlighting:

Collin Smallegan
Instrument: Tenor Saxophone

How many years have you played in a band? 6 years
What is your favorite memory as part of the Highland Band? The spring jazz concert
What are your top 3 favorite songs? The Three Scottish Vistas, Zoot Suit Riot and Sir Duke
What has been your favorite song to play? Zoot Suit Riot
What is your favorite musical key? B flat
