September 2017 Newsletter

September 2017 Newsletter


As our students are getting their iPads, now is the time for renewing SmartMusic!  SmartMusic is $8 per student.  All 6-12th grade band students will use SmartMusic on their iPads for assessment both in class and at home for the 2017-2018 school year.  If your student is in 6th grade and paid their summer camp and book fees before August, SmartMusic was already included.  Everyone else can send in $8 cash or check (payable to Highland Band Boosters) with their student to be given to Mr. Blocker. 


Our first concert is fast approaching, October 19th!  The band kids look forward to showing you everything they have learned so far!  We are asking for 2 parent volunteers from each grade to help with student control while Mr. Blocker is directing.  If you can help, please let Mr. Blocker or the Boosters know. 

ALL Band Bowling Night 

Mark your calendars!  On November 21st, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break, we will have an ALL Band Bowling Night at Plaza Lanes!  This is a great opportunity for all of our band students to socialize outside of school and have a little fun.  The boosters are busy thinking up some games to make it more interesting!  A $10 fee will be collected to cover shoes and dinner. 

Disney Updates 

The Marching Band will soon be marching down Main Street USA!
There will be a MANDITORY student, parent and chaperone meeting on October 16th at 7pm in the band room.  If you, or your student are going to Disney, you MUST attend.
We are still in need of 4-6 LARGE suitcases for our uniforms.  If you can let the band borrow one we would greatly appreciate it! 

Fall Fundraisers 

Our raffle was a huge success!  Thank you to everyone who sold tickets!
Our next fundraiser is a dining out fundraiser, this week, September 20th at QBBQ in Schererville.  All you need to do is show the flyer or event page on your phone (you can also print it out) and the band will receive 20% of your bill!  You don't have to cook and you support the band!
Carson Books for Carson Days will be coming home next month.  Each book is $5 and has tons of coupons in them, including a $10 off an item coupon.  These books are easy to sell and the band gets 100% profit.
Early December we're planning another new fundraiser, Dinner & Movie gift cards.  These will make great gifts for friends and family as well!  Keep an eye out! 

Craft Fair 

The Band Boosters host a fall craft fair every year.  This year's craft fair is November 11th and 12th. The craft fair is a huge success for the band due largely to our parent and student volunteers.  We will be creating sign-up sheets soon.  Remember, every hour you or your student works earns them money in their student account that can be used to pay for a host of things (including SmartMusic, Band Fees, etc).
Saturday, November 11th we'll have the Dodge Test Drive at the craft fair.  This test drive is a very easy fundraiser for us!  All you need to do is fill out a small survey and take a drive in a new vehicle.  For each drive, Dodge donates $20.  Easy!
For this year's show, we're going to have class raffle baskets.  Each grade/class will be asked to donate items for a specific theme for our raffle.  If you have any ideas for themes, please contact the boosters! 

Charms Reminder

Everyone has been set up with a Charms account for their child.  You can access charms by following the link:

The first time you login, you'll use your student's ID for the login and password.  We encourage everyone to log in, add parents as adults.  Update addresses, cell phone numbers (text alerts!) and email addresses.  If you have any questions, email the boosters and Trisha (our VP of Fundraising and Tech Support) will help you out! 

Highlights from the Last Month 

The Marching Band had a great start to their Marching Season!  They received GOLD awards at their first two competitions!  They were also featured in the NWI Times as the Featured Band of the Week.
All of the concert bands are doing a fantastic job learning their music and growing!  Keep up the awesome work!

We hope to see all parents for our next Booster Meeting, October 9th at 7pm in the band room!  I hear there might be cookies!


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